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Be part of this great team too!
Change your life by acquiring a dream machine.. .

Don't let third parties access your files.

Deliver early and make your production on time.

Return on investment
in no time, guaranteed.

don't depend anymore
of queues to machine.
Double your production in record time.

KosBlanks provides you with a 1 year warranty.

KOS knows the problems you face from not having a machine.
When machining services from service providers are needed, a 3D project can take 20 to 45 days to reach the shaper because of the volume and the machining queue of that company. This time greatly harms the shaper when it comes to setting a deadline for his order, making the customer often buy from another brand that can deliver the board much faster.
Another very common problem is that the machining does not come true to the 3D project sent by the shaper. In this case, in addition to waiting for a long period to receive your machined project, either the shaper returns the product and requests a new machining, having to wait again for a delivery queue, or it contacts its customer and communicates what happened, generating wear and tear and often the cancellation of the order.
If you are interested in entering the surfboard market, either offering machining services or even creating your own brand and producing surfboards, we have the right option for you! Here you will find several models and options of Shape Machines and Upgrades for DSD Machines!!!
Imagine manufacturing about 2 boards per hour and in 1 day producing more than 20 customized units, with the KosBlanks Shape Machine it is super possible!
KosBlanks knows the problems you face from not having a machine.
"With its own machine, a shaper can considerably increase its production in addition to opening new markets and businesses because it has a work tool that produces a board in a few minutes"
Imagine poder fabricar diversos moldes e peças em seu próprio espaço, otimizando tempo e economizando.
Nichos de XPS e EPS (isopor) em diversas áreas, agora é possível. Conheça todos os moldes que a HWC pode fazer:

Bases de bolo fake e discos de isopor
Corte de molduras
Sancas em EPS Isopor
Telhas trapezoidais (telhas sanduiche)
Letra caixa em XPS deprom
Tubulação de ar condicionado
Blocos para Pranchas de Surf
Logotipos para fachadas
Placa para forro de teto
Chapas retas para papelarias
Colunas Romanas / Gregas
Bloquetes para laje
Placas para isolamento Acústico
2 Torres Independentes com BASE MÓVEL
1 Rolo de fio de corte totalizando 25 metros
Suporte prático para o travamento dos fios
Suporta até 5 fios simultâneos (sem dissipar calor de qualquer um deles)
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